Munia Story (Francis Jocky)
Some years later, Ntohol has become a Doctor. He goes back to the homeland of his father and leads a group of young minds out to Savannah to study wildlife and nature. Through studies and observations of instinct and interaction, Ntohol begins to deliver a lecture to the students who hang on to each word, respecting the African roots of their teacher, mentor, and friend. Midway through Ntohol is distracted by an...
Din Longuè
Din Longuè Story (Francis Jocky)
Time has passed Sombol and his wife have loved, lived through fire, and created a child during their journey. They have now settled in, living and thriving. They have acclimated once again to a new way. a new people. Like those around them, they have learned to work hard and play hard. This day was set aside for playing and enjoying. Sombol and his wife take their child to the New York Zoo.
Sombol realizes, n...
Mbembé Story (Francis Jocky)
Once again Sombol finds himself leaving what is familiar to pursue something that is calling him. This time he is in charge of the decision. This time he is the leader of this new endeavor, but he is not the only one looking to find a happy ending.
As they enter this new land, he is haunted by stories of those with similar dreams, dreams of survival, dreams of flourishing, expressing themselves, and living Sad...
Timba so Ndjé
Timba so Ndjé Story (Francis Jocky) In a place so close to Sombol's heart, a place that has played key parts in shaping who he has become, Sombol and his fiancee are faced with riots, marches, political vomit, distasteful and elaborate shows put on by extremists that has brought them to a decisions to leave their flat, and temporal things behind and begin again, somewhere else in the great unknown... Timba so Ndjé Lyrics Miango, miango .....
Na tondi
Na tondi Story (Francis Jocky) After working through some tough semesters and the daily grind of education, Sombol finds himself back in his jazz club, having a voice, having an outlet for all the feelings inside him. This night would be different though.
A young, woman with a striking demeanor enters the club. She can not help but focuses in on him. His voice is like breath on her neck, his talent awakens her senses and she is drawn into h...
Diwo Story (Francis Jocky) Some years later, one winter day (snow falling) Sombol is feeling stifled and trapped. Irritated by hypocrisy and daily demonstrations of hate, his music has become his only refuge. He knows that the only way he can escape this imprisonment is to speak with the voice of melodies and passion. (even if it's only in the dim corner of the little jazz club down the street) While playing there, Sombol began to open his s...
One world
One World Story (Francis Jocky) On the other hand, is Sombol's daily routine: going to school, being harassed by police, mocked by relentless school children and even looked at by distrusting shopkeepers... The life of a foreigner displaced by circumstance is not only difficult but can lay heavily on one's being. People everywhere attempt to crush the spirit of others, but with the breath of the Elephant pulsating inside him, Sombol has a pe...
A Te
A Té Story (Francis Jocky) Mama must dry her tears and be strong, becoming the new leader of this family she decides to venture out to a place she had only dreamed of, a place that had been described as extraordinary, blissful, and generous. This is where she would ensure the bright and hopeful futures of her 4 children. (the children that would one day rise up and bless her!) You see, an Elephant can have every obstacle put in his way, but hi...
Musiki Story (Francis Jocky) Upon arrival, the family finds a humble living quarter in a lively and artistic area of this Harbor city. Sombol is drawn nightly to the streets of his neighborhood, to this inspirational pocket of Jazz, Flamingo, Folk, and other colorful expressions of music and life! The experience nourishes his soul, he finds himself "at home" in this place. With his voice and his guitar, finds that he too can be part of somet...
Wasé Story (Annette Jocky / Francis Jocky) Encompassing the father's corps is Sombol's family... Mourning... crying out from a deep place hidden within them. Tears are streaming down their brown sullen faces. Women are wailing, and men... speechless. The realization of loss and separation from their "leader" the one clearing the path, through this life's journey, the one they have trusted, loved, and depended on... What now?... What now?... ...
Kaba N'Gondo
Kaba N'Gondo Story (Francis Jocky) This is the evening of a grand annual celebration "The Ngondo" of the Douala people, an evening of celebrating mythological warriors, legends, traditions, and the pride of the coastal people! Passions and emotions run high. During this event, the news of Sombol's safe return in combination with these monumental festivities forces Sombol's father (a wealthy and important man) into a fierce and emotional dance....
Munia Prelude
Munia Prelude Stiory (Francis Jocky) Little Sombol goes to school, by foot, walking through the Savannah each and every day. One day something unusual happens that grabs his attention and diverts him from his daily path. It's an entrancing sound... breathing... in... out... A powerful breath, one that draws him... draws him... As Sombol turns he finds himself face to face with an Elephant! Paralyzed by fear and reverence, the boy stands motion...